We think that once we win or we finally make it or we finally succeed, that’s when we can be happy. But actually, happiness occurs in the process that occurs during the Growth. So they, they’ve done studies where uh astronauts, Olympic athletes, they hit that big goal that they wanted, but the happiness afterward doesn’t last it last a few weeks, a few months maybe.
But after that it detracts. So it’s in the growth that we’re, our True Happiness comes from. So we want to see how can I be growing in this area? What can I do to grow, create a growth plan for yourself like this year what areas do I want to grow? I want to grow my relationship and my finances with my fitness, with my diet, with my spirituality, whatever it is, pick areas that are interesting for you and start to learn about those areas and grow.
And that’s where true inner joy and happiness is really going to start to come out. It’s not just accomplishing, accomplishing is great, but it doesn’t, the happiness from that does not last forever.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can