Happiness Comes From Growth
Does Happiness Comes From Growth?
We often think in life that we want to get to a certain goal and then we’re gonna be happy once I hit this level of success, I’m going to be happy. But time and time again they’ve shown that that’s not true. They’ve shown that astronauts after going to the moon, they go into depression, athletes after they win the gold medal, they go into depression.
Why is that what Tony Robbins says, don’t sit at the table of success for too long. It’s because we are meant to grow, we’re meant to continue to expand. So who we become in the process is great, accomplishing the things that we want is great and that’s all wonderful. But if we just sit there, oh, I did it, I made it, I’m done.
And we just sit there, we start to detract, we start to go back. We want to create a new vision for ourselves, something new that we want to pursue, pursue and go for. So it’s not like I worked hard for years and then I just sit and do nothing because that’s going to create depression.
It’s like cycles. You wanna enjoy yourself along the way while also pursuing the goal. But when you hit the goal, what’s the new thing that I can go for it right now?

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can