If You Have a Certain Goal
If You Have a Certain Goal of that type of lifestyle, if you want the type of person you want to be, what else, financially, relationships, whatever fitness. What are the habits that that person that you want to be?
What are they doing on a day-to-day basis? If you’re gonna sit there and like I want to be that person, what are they doing every single day? What are their habits, what are their thought patterns? What are there beliefs, what are their actions and identify those and then start doing those because once you start doing those, you then become that person.
If you think about it, when people say become who you want to be, right, what is becoming who you want to be? It’s the thoughts, it’s the habits, it’s the actions, everything like that. So if you just start doing that now, then literally start becoming the person you want to become and it’s no longer this thing that’s really hard to attain its day to day, day to day, habitual thinking and, and acting that you can do right now.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can