Don’t create the ideas of the mind. Create the ideas of the heart
I used to think life was about manifesting what you want… creating that dream life where I could travel, have a ton of passive income, and as few responsibilities as possible.
But now I have seen how misguided that thinking was. These were fetishes of the mind… ideas I allowed to brew in me unchallenged. After all, society rewards that type of lifestyle with praise. And I could live in peace with my finances taken care of and plenty of free time.
But these were the desires of the mind, not from the Heart.
The mind asks “What do I want?”
The heart asks “How can I serve God?”
The mind asks “How can I create the life I want?”
The heart asks “How can I serve in a way that God wants for me?”
When I began to shift my questions and pray more, I became aware of how unfulfilled I was deep inside, even though I had everything I wanted.
I realized how many of my gifts and talents weren’t being used, even though I didn’t need to use them to have the lifestyle I wanted.
I realized how I had been avoiding that deeper part of me I was scared to listen to, in hopes that I wouldn’t have to.
But that part of us can’t be suppressed forever… not if I want to help the world in a way that it truly needs… in a way I came here to help.
Eventually we have to listen to our heart and listen to God and ask how we can serve them. Then we truly become alive.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can