If You Wait Too Long To Create The World You Want
If You Wait Too Long To Create The World that You Want, then other people are going to create the world they want. So the world is a creative process and it’s people who step out of their comfort zone who uh, go for their missions, try to make their mark on the world, hopefully in a way that serves people, but not everybody does that.
Sometimes they just want to make a mark on the world for their own ego purposes. But I think most people are good and most people are soulful people. And if we as good, soulful people don’t step out of our comfort zone and don’t make our mark on the world in service to others.
You may have people with egos who are self-serving, they will step in and they’ll make their mark on the world just to serve themselves. And we’ve seen that in patterns throughout history. So what’s needed right now is more people to come from their soulful place to come from a place of service and love and kindness and wisdom and to spread their message to help people and leave that mark of service on the world to truly create a better world.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can