Ignorance Is Evil


Did you know that Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is evil? I don’t know where that came from, the ignorance is bliss. That’s certainly not true. It’s quite the opposite. Um and if you look at all the bad acts that have been done in the world, all the malicious things, it’s usually based in some sort of ignorance at some level, ignorance of understanding how to deal with our own emotions, understanding where we’re coming from, when we’re doing these acts, understanding um our connection with other people, understanding our identity and how that’s connected with our community, our environment, our country, our world.

Ignorance Is Evil

Um so ignorance, the more we learn, the more we understand, the more we understand other people and they were exposed to them and understand how energy works and science works in our mind works and emotions work, the more we understand that if you take everybody in the world and everybody understands that we’re gonna have this peaceful, harmonious world because we all realize we’re all aware of our connection with ourselves and each other.



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