It’s our vision, not our capabilities that limit us
What is the one thing that limits us? It’s not our capabilities, it’s our vision. We’re not limited by our capabilities, we’re limited by our vision. So we’ve all been in that situation where let’s say it’s college right now, we have to write this paper, this paper is due by a certain date.
And what happens? We don’t feel like it. We don’t want to do it. We don’t think we can do it. We’re tired. But we get all our mustard, all our mind, all our resources and were able to finish it usually right before the deadline, right? So what happens someone else painted division for us of what we were supposed to do and we pulled through on it.
So what if instead of other people painting the vision of what we can and can’t do what if we painted our own vision? We seem to always be able to live up to the expectations of others. What do we set a really high vision for ourselves? And we made ourselves accountable to someone else and we gave ourselves our own deadline and then try to live up to that. And if we do that accountability deadline, a big vision, we’re going to live up to it because it draws the best out of us.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can