Listen To Whispers Of Your Heart


Don’t Listen To The Distractions Of Your Mind, Listen To The Whispers Of Your Heart. So life is a big battle between the mind and the heart, and the mind is very easily distracted. You can dangle a carrot in front of it goes this way it goes. That way, it’s easily programmable based on what it sees, what it hears.

Listen To Whispers Of Your Heart

It can goes to fear its whole purpose and design is to go to fear and to survive. But the heart knows your true self. The heart knows the truth of the world. The heart knows your soul’s path. So the more you can go in and listen to your heart and see where is your heart guiding you. And then you use the techniques of your mind to align your mind with the heart. Then you become aligned and you can become super powerful and focus in terms of accomplishing what it is that you want.

So one tool that I love to use to program the mind are affirmations. You can use vision boards, you can use visualizations, self talk, all these kinds of things. To program the mind, take control of your mind and align it to your heart because you have a beautiful destiny to fulfill for the world.



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