Open Yourself With Prayer


Open Yourself With Prayer

Did you know? There are parts of you that can be Only Opened With Prayer. So there are secrets, there are things inside of us, there are these beautiful gifts inside of us. But and they could be their godly gifts, but we have to align with god for us to see them aligned with god, for us to know them, and for us to understand them.

And we can only do that by going to a place of prayer, going to a place of faith, going to a place of uh Internal Meditation, internal calling forth of Our Higher Power and Our Highest Power. And when we do that, when we stay strong we stay committed sometimes a lot of times actually, almost every time we’re gonna hit a struggle, we’re gonna hit a wall.

Open Yourself With Prayer

And the reason is for that wall is for us to see how strong our faith is, see can we break through the wall? Can we hold on and trust in God to help us through the wall? And as we do that, the more we do that, the more he reveals the gifts that are inside of us, the beautiful joys that are inside of us. And by developing that strength, we can now stand on those gifts.

And even though we get its self-doubt, it doesn’t stop us.



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