The Biggest Life Battles


What are The Biggest Battles of Our Life?

The Biggest Battles of Our Life are fought in the darkness of our mind. It’s in the moments of silence, it’s in the moment of quiet and solitude. That’s our opportunity to go in and to battle what’s going on in our mind. So when we step out into the world, if you’re if we’re paying attention to the subtle awareness, we’ll notice movements in our brain, movements and our thoughts, feelings of shrinking, feelings of expanding in certain situations around certain people with certain things.

The Biggest Life Battles

These are all triggers. These are all queues of where the battle is, quote-unquote going on in our mind. So if we pay attention to that and we’re like, oh, this person said something today and I wasn’t loving or I reacted in a jealous manner, right? Something like this, or um something like that.

So then what I do is I go into meditation at night, pay attention to what it was. And then use an affirmation to counteract the thing like, I love this person and everyone around me, I love myself and everyone around me. And this is the way that I slowly win the battles of the mind.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can