Some Gifts Are Discovered
Discover Your Gifts
You know when you play a video game at the start, you have certain tools and gifts and your arsenal that you can use. But as you go through the game you find other hidden gems and hidden tools. That’s a lot how life is. You start with certain attributes, certain talents that you’re really good at. But as you go through life you find that there’s other stuff hidden within you that if you dig and you find and you search for, you can bring it out and you can use those as tools and in level two you might find a tool but you don’t use it to level eight.
And that’s kind of like how life is in level two, you might be developing a tool or you might find a tool or some sort of gift within you and you can start developing it, but you may not know why you’re developing it or why you have it. But later you realize oh this thing became super valuable, the thing you’ve been working on wax off wax on from the karate kid that for the last 10 years that you’ve been developing ends up being a massively huge tool for you later on.
So, Search For Your Inner Gifts And Unlock Them Because they’re important for you and the world.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can