The Devil Is In The Thought
So How Does One Beat The Devil?
So I’ve been doing a lot of introspection lately and I was not raised Christian. I never really considered myself Christian. But the more introspection, the more Meditation I’ve been doing, the more I do at this point feel there is this Devil Energy and what it is though it’s thought Energy and it cannot affect us or touch us at all, except through thought and through our thoughts is how we create our reality.
So what it does, it plays on our fears. It plays on our laziness, it plays on our doubts, our uh think the thoughts that we can’t do it, the lack of belief in ourselves, it plays on that. So it’s main goal is to prevent us from shining our light out into the world.
So the way we can beat it is by going into meditation, picking a mantra like I use, I am affirmations or a mantra from the bible and just repeating those phrases, repeating those phrases, feeling the fear and repeating those phrases is how we beat the devil.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can