Take 100% responsibility
What gives us true freedom and power is taking 100% responsibility for our lives for what happens. So things happen, right? And if we ever find ourselves pointing the finger externally, that this person, this thing, the government, these people did that to me.
We know we have given our power away. Instead of we pointed at ourselves and saying, who can I be in this circumstance? Why is this a blessing? How can I make the most out of this circumstance? Then we’ve given ourselves the power back. We can be 100% and we are 100% responsible for what we create, what we get in our lives.
And when we do that, when we have that attitude, we give ourselves the power. Now, that’s not necessarily the truth. It could be very true that other people have done stuff to us, but it could also be true that it’s a blessing. And we have the choice and how we’re going to react and the choice of how we’re going to create. So which truth is more empowering for you.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can