There Are Deadlines In Life
We all have deadlines and timetables to pursue and accomplish the goals and the missions that we want to accomplish. So what the universe does is it tries to prepare us to fulfill our next phases of our potential destiny, of the things that we could do for, for others in the world. But if we ignore the signs, if we don’t follow the signs, um, eventually the time runs out and we miss the opportunity.
Uh if you believe in past lives and we have to come and past life into a future life and do it again, but we have deadlines and timetables. So what’s really important that I’ve learned is to sit there within and ask for god’s guidance? Where does it want me to got to go? And then when it gets the answer, don’t ignore it.
Sometimes the answers can be scary because it’s telling us to do something that scares us, but that’s also where we can be the most benefit to others. That’s what our soul is calling us to do. And it’s giving us the vision so we can step up and step into it and grow ourselves into it.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can