What Does It Mean To Be Yourself
What Does It Mean To Be Yourself?
Has anyone ever told you: hey, just Be Yourself, Be Yourself. The problem is there are many different versions of ourselves. We may be oneself at, at school or in a group or at work oneself, um at home oneself, while meditating or hanging out.
There are different versions of ourselves, we might be in a mood where we’re happy, a mood where we’re down. So these are all versions of ourselves. So in actuality, we’re always being ourselves, we’re just being different versions of ourselves. What I think what’s really meant behind when people say be yourself is they say be an unrestrained version of yourself, be an unrestrained version of yourself, meaning Being Yourself, being who you want to be in any situation.
So if you’re in a social situation where you’re feeling shy, like you don’t want to go up and talk to people that are under restraint. So there’s the version of you that can go talk to people, there’s a version of you that wants to that is shy. So it’s there’s that mismatch. So what the goal then is to align your mind of where you are to where you want to be.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can