Trust Universe or God?


Should I put my Trust in The universe or put my Trust in God, the way I see it is, if you want to go from a destination point a to point b you have the vehicle right? Um to me, the universe is the vehicle, and God is the driver. So I don’t put my trust in the car to get me to where I want to go because the car is just there, it’s the driver that uses the car to get me, get us to our destination.

Trust Universe or God

So what I do now is instead of saying, I trust the universe, I say trust in God and God will guide God will strengthen and sometimes what I think I want to do, God is like actually let’s go over this way, you know, actually sometimes move my intent or move my goal to be more in alignment with him because he knows and I say he could he or she or it, he knows my gifts more than I do, he knows my purpose more than I do, he knows what’s going on more than I do. So I put like to put an affirm I trust in God because I feel God will guide me through the universe to get to where it is that we want to go.



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