The Butterfly


The Story of a Butterfly is a beautiful one. It starts as a caterpillar eventually goes into a cocoon and it’s basically locked in this cocoon and the only way for it to break out of the cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly is by strengthening its wings and the wings itself have to break the cocoon and it has to be done by itself.

And when it does, when it’s grows strong enough and breaks the cocoon, it breaks out of its shell and it can now fly and show its beautiful colors and wings to the world is a beautiful lesson from nature of how we also are. As humans, we are sometimes trapped in cocoons.

The Butterfly

These are cocoons of our mind, cocoons of energy that we carry, cocoons of energy in our communities and surrounding us that are you know, suppressing us. But what we can do is go within and strengthen ourselves and as we do, we break these chains, we break these energetic bonds and we become our true self, our soul self and we can now share that soul self with the world.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can