Two Types Of Communication
All communication from anyone about anything is one of Two Types Of Communication. It’s Either a Loving Response or a Cry for Help. So any time you’re talking to someone, any time you see someone communicating something, they’re either giving a Loving Response to something or at the core of what they’re saying is a Cry for Help, meaning I need someone to listen to me. I need help.
And I got this from tony robbins. And by understanding this, you can better serve and help people because if they’re kind of like yelling about something, right? And your initial reaction might be to be taken aback or this is an attack on me. It’s not really it’s just they’re making a cry for help.
So how can you help them? How can you help them feel more safe? Feel good enough for more secure. That’s really what these things are at the end of the day. So instead of viewing other people’s communications is an attack on you. Look at what they’re saying, understand, it’s really about them and how can I serve and how can I help them?

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can