What kingdoms do you want to create on Earth and in Heaven?


What kingdoms do you want to create on Earth and in Heaven? We come here on Earth with specific desires, missions, and goals. These are potential kingdoms we can create here on Earth, a way to leave our mark on society, in this time period in humanity.

They may be grandiose kingdoms or not. They may entail and encompass many souls, people and energy or they may not. Either way is beautiful. You know the truth of what you want to create. Your guides will inform you. They gently nudge you. When you don’t listen they will nudge you stronger and create life circumstances designed to get you to look within; designed to get you to realize you are the Creator of your life.

And when you tap into that power. When you spend time going within you will see and learn which Kingdoms you really want to create and realize your internal guidance is there and will forever be there to assist you.

Namaste, with Love and Blessings



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi