Don’t wait for others Permission


I was eating some bread at a restaurant and I had the idea to close my eyes while I chewed it so I could enjoy the sensation more. So, that this chewing of the bread wouldn’t be just a faded memory from my life, but a memory I could create for my soul.

As I closed my eyes and began to chew, I felt my mind being worried about what other people in the restaurant would think. At one point, I wanted to make up a story in my mind that others in the restaurant had taken a class on mindful eating and that they would give me permission to eat the way I was eating.

Then I realized, one of the habits I had in life has been waiting for others to give me permission to go forth with my ideas.

This simple exercise at the restaurant was also a microcosm for the way I pursue life and by being aware in the moment, I was able to recognize the pattern.

So I became aware and affirmed “I don’t wait for others to give me permission to go forth with my ideas”



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi