What you focus on you feel
What you focus on you feel. So there’s a lot going on in the world in your life. So what are you going to focus on? There are literally trillions of things going on, but what you focus on will shape what you feel. So it’s good to know about some of the issues and some of the problems, right? But not to an extent where it damages your emotions, damages your psychology, where you start to get down on yourself or you affect your immune system, you start to get sick, you don’t want that, you want to just be aware, but then go back to empowering focus focusing on things.
You’re grateful for focusing on things. You’re excited about, focus on family, loved ones, friends, things you want to do things you want to create by switching what you’re focusing on you switch how you feel inside, and that in turn gives you a higher quality of life, because really quality of life is based on how you feel, so how you focus is how you feel, which shapes the quality of your life, focus on things that empower and uplift you.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can