Who To Share Goals With
Are You Wondering Who You Should Share Your Goals With?
Well, I don’t think You Should Share Your Goals With Everybody. The only people really to share your goals with, usually, it’s generally best to keep them to yourself. Um maybe sharing with god or just develop it within yourself, you want to develop the core of strength within yourself so that you can come out with it and you become your goal, I want to become your goal kind of within you, then people automatically see, and you don’t have to like share to express it.
But if you’re looking for support from people to share your goals with, find people who can hold a space for you that you can share it with, that they’re not going to minimize or diminish or look down upon you or think you’re not good enough or like why would you do that if they’re like that they have limited mindset and you don’t want to share your energy in that space with your goals.
Um so really just go within and develop your goals from within, develop your character traits from within. But if you’re looking for that support group, find like minded people who can hold space for you.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can