When You’re Calm


Ways To Calm Yourself Down

One thing that’s needed now more than ever is for all of us to be going within ourselves, to going To Meditating, To Visualizing, To Channeling A Higher Love, The Higher Energy Within Ourselves. Um and I don’t mean going within the virtual reality headset that’s coming, I mean going within the true power is in here, the true love and understanding is in here. And if we start Practicing doing that, Practicing Going Within, Meditating, Visualizing, we not, like science has shown just, it Reduces Stress, Reduces Anxiety, Improves Memory so many things.

When You’re Calm

But also they’re showing science has also shown that when you’re in a meditative state, you’re actually creating that in the world. Your field you have a vibrational field of energy that they can measure coming out of your and your body and your brain and your field is actually interacting with other people’s fields. So the more calm and relaxed you are, you start to impact and affect other people’s fields and they become more calm and relaxed as well.



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