You are not limited by your abilities. You are limited by your vision
We often think “I’m not good enough to do that thing,” “it’s going to be too hard”, “I don’t know how to do it.”
All these thoughts can be solved by two things:
1. Learning to shift your thoughts
2. Learning how to do the thing you want
Whether you want to start a new business, be a leader in your country, get married, run a triathalon, you just have to do two things
1. Shift your thoughts
Believe you are already that which you want to become. Keep repeating it to yourself and it will be true.
2. Learn how
Read or listen to an audio book on starting a business, being an amazing leader, marriage principles, running a triathalon.
If you do these two things, you will automatically start to take the actions. And your success will be guaranteed.
So, yes you can do ANYTHING. Don’t let what you currently “think” you can do limit you. Only your thoughts about what you “think” you can do is limiting you.
You are way more capable than you’ve currently think you are.
So create a big, scary AF vision for yourself, then start telling yourself you are it and learning how. You will become it internally which will eventually show up externally.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can