The Biggest Support For Others
Sometimes The Biggest Support we can be for others is just to be there for others. We think that we need to give them advice or coaching or push them a certain way or tell them what to do or give them some sort of guidance. Sometimes it’s just being there and lift, being an open, open vessel to listen to so that they can go through their own experience and they can come to the realization on their own rather than us trying to feed it into them.
And sometimes that’s the best way to do it because if you’re telling someone to do something, um, and they’re not receptive to it, then there’s that force you trying to force it and then they’re going to try to resist it and not do it. But if you can just, if you see like, like a kid or younger sibling or something and they’re not quite going on the path that you think may be best or beneficial again from your own experience, just be a support for them.
Maybe there’s something you can learn from them, but also being there available and listen and letting them talk through their own process go through their own process. They’ll come to their own realization of which way is the right way.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can