You May Not Want What Your Soul Wants


Sometimes there are things that we think we want to manifest and we will try and we’ll do a bunch of things to try to focus and visualize it, but we still don’t get it or it feels like there’s this grind, there’s this block in between and something I realized for me is sometimes What the Mind Thinks we Want is Actually not what the Soul Really Wants.

You May Not Want What Your Soul Wants

The mind is a great tool for manifestation. But if it’s not tapped in and aligned with the soul what the soul wants, there’s gonna be a lot of friction because basically, we’re trying to push a certain way that our soul is yanking us the other way. So if you’re Trying To Manifest Something but you’re not quite getting it.

Check is this an alignment with my soul? Because sometimes it’s your soul saying, no, don’t go that way, you need to go this other way. That’s what I’ve learned about myself. When I was trying to create a couple of new businesses, I just felt this grind in this thing and I didn’t know why, but when I shifted who I was being when I saw the other lessons I needed to learn first, then those businesses flowed much easier.



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Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can