Your Thoughts Create the World


Quantum physics has confirmed that we interact with our world at a level of thought. We think things are happening separately from us. But, in reality, we are helping shape our world by our own projection of thought energy.

When we focus on a circumstance, we actually send the energy of how we feel to that circumstance. So, if we’re angry and focus our anger on a problem, we actually send anger energy and strengthen the circumstance which causes us to feel anger.

Instead, if we take a step back, focus on a solution, and send a feeling of love to the solution, we actually create an energetic charge in the energy field to bring about that solution as reality.

We don’t even need to know exactly what the solution is. Just ask yourself, “what would it feel like if this problem no longer existed?” Or “What would it feel like if this was resolved?”

Focus on the feeling and according to quantum physics, you will help create that existence in reality.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi