Can Animals Influence Robots? Part 2
Can animals influence robots? Building upon our prior article, the same researchers then used a new version of robot called the Tychoscope2. This robot was larger and remote controlled by radio waves emitted from a computer, making calculation of the movements easier.
The Purpose
The purpose of this study was to see if the chicks, who were NOT conditioned to believe the robot was their mother, could affect the movement of the robot. In the prior experiment, only chicks who were conditioned had an effect on the robot; whereas the chicks who were not conditioned didn’t have an effect.
How they did it
This time, the researchers placed the robot and chicks in a room full of darkness. They then placed a candle on the robot, as the only source of light in the room. Because the chicks don’t like to be in darkness during the day, they wondered if the chicks would “pull” the robot towards them. Again, these chicks were not conditioned to think the robot was their mother.
They then let the robot do it’s thing. Each experiment was 20minutes long.
The chicks, wanting the light, would cry when the robot was further away from them. When it came closer, the chicks would stop crying.
They conducted 80 experiments. There were 15 chicks grouped together at a time. They then did 100 experiments without any chicks nor any one observing the experiment. They also did experiments with the chicks in the room, but no candle and full light in the room.
Here’s what they found
In the experiment without any chicks nor any one observing, 50 times the robot spent it’s time closer to the chicks and 50 times away from the chicks, as expected.
In the experiment with the chicks, 57 of the 80 experiments (71% of the time), the robot went closer to the chicks. This was considered statistically significant.
In the experiment with the chicks in the room, but not candle and full light, there was no significant deviation from randomness observed.
A few notes
A few important things the researchers noted.
1) At times, it appears the chicks would fall asleep, and this would drastically affect the results. Thus, the experiment must be done early morning or beginning of the afternoon after the chicks woke up.
2) Also if the light of the candle wasn’t sufficient, the chicks would tend to fall asleep.
The weird thing is, when the chicks fell asleep, they seemed to ‘push away’ the robot because it interfered with their sleep. It was unclear from the paper if the chicks were sleeping when the robot was pushed away, or if the chicks were sleeping, awakened by the robot because of the light, and then the robot was pushed away. That’s a significant question because if the chicks were asleep and the robot was pushed away, that indicates the chick’s subconscious thought projection is at work even when they are not consciously awake.
3) The random event generator used to moved the robot was placed inside a lead Faraday box, full of water, to shield it against various types of electromagnetic interference.
If this Faraday box was used to shield from electromagnetic interference, would it also shield against the energy being sent by the chicks? Is the energy being sent by the chicks electromagnetic in nature, such that the Faraday box would block it? If not, what is the nature of the energy being sent by the chicks?
1)The intent, not just the presence, of the chicks matter.
This experiment again confirms what we discovered in their first experiment. The presence of the chicks alone, absent some desire or intention, doesn’t seem to have an effect on the robot. If the chicks aren’t bonded to the robot or don’t need it for light, they don’t seem to ‘call out’ to the robot.
2) Intent can repel, as well as attract
The intent of the chicks to push away the robot seemed to have an affect, as well as call the robot to them.
Questions to consider
1) Were the chicks asleep or awake when the robot was pushed away? This could have huge implications in understanding whether animals have subconscious minds like humans and if the subconscious mind of animals are sending intention even without the conscious mind doing so. And if so, which intention is stronger? Also, as an aside, if humans are being protected by ‘spirit guides’, are chicks also being protected? Are the spirit guides the ones pushing the robot away or the chicks themselves?
2) What type of frequency or energy is being sent by the chicks? How is that energy being transferred? Is it of electromagnetic in nature such that the Faraday box could block it? Is there a way to ‘block’ the intent being sent by the chicks to the robot?
3) Why did the robot move towards the chicks only 71% of the time? Of course, it was significant that the robot moved towards the chicks that much of the time, but why not all the time? Did the chicks suffer ‘brain drain’ from trying to call the robot over? What would determine or create a circumstance where 100% of the time the robot would go towards the chicks? Would more chicks create that reality?
4) Is it the thought/intent of the chicks making a difference? Or the sound? In the experiments, it appears the chicks would ‘cry’ to the robot. Is the ‘cry’ drawing the robot in? or the thought energy? both? What would be more effective? Sound vibration or thought vibration?
5) In the first experiment, the Random Event Generator (REG) was inside the robot. In the second experiment, it was in a computer outside the robot, sending signals. Would it be easier for the chicks to ‘intercept’ these signals if it were coming from a computer a distance away versus from inside the robot?
6) Does the duration of the experiment matter? The robot would go for 20minutes. What if it only went for 5 minutes? What about an hour? Does the amount of time make a difference in the chicks ability to create an effect on the robot? Would more time have less of an effect? More of an effect? Is the effect instantaneous or takes a few minutes for it to manifest in the receiver?
7) What exactly is happening inside the robot for it to move closer to the chicks? Is it the electrical impulses being sent by the chicks and the robot registering those impulses? Is there a way to measure that?
Read about the study here: Psychokinetic Action of Young Chicks on the Path to an Illuminated Source (1995)

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