Your words shape your emotions
Notice the way you speak to yourself and you speak to others because language shapes everything. Language shapes thought, language shapes emotions, language shapes your values, language shapes how you feel. So just pay attention. If you say things like oh this sucks or oh another day or oh thank god it’s Friday.
Oh I have to go back to work on Monday or oh this person’s mean you are creating that reality as you say it, the more you say it, the more you create that reality. Because as you say it, your mind starts to think it and your body starts to feel it and through constant physics, you start to project that energy out so be aware and catch yourself whenever you’re gonna say something that’s negative or something that you don’t like or something that bothers you be aware instead say the opposite.
It may feel uncomfortable, it may feel like a lie, may feel awkward, but start practicing saying the opposite. And the more you say the opposite, the more you’ll actually start to think to feel that way, and the more you actually start to create that reality for yourself.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can