Be aware when you’re generalizing
As human beings, one thing our mind is very good at, for survival is taking information and deleting it distorting it, or generalizing it. So we might see one person in a certain situation and do generalize it. Oh, this person was like this. So they’re all like that. You know, like France gets a common bad rap that all french people are rude because maybe some people saw some rude french people and thought all were rude for the record.
I don’t think that’s true. I’ve been to France and I loved the people. They were, they were very helpful. Um, so we might generalize. We also might delete things. So we have a certain model of the world. If someone brings us information that doesn’t match that model, guess what we do?
Delete it. We don’t want to know about it. We don’t want to hear about it. We throw it away. This happened when, when I was growing up, we studied the planetary system and learned that pluto was actually one of the planets, but later they discovered it’s not a planet.
And I remember my cousin telling you that and I didn’t want to believe it. So I just said no, that’s not true, and delete it from my mind. So those are a few examples.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can