Be all things your Divine creator has asked you to become

Be all things your Divine creator has asked you to become

It’s sometimes hard to pursue our divine calling. It can’t be pursued without going directly at our greatest fears and doubts. We have to choose to go into the cocoon of darkness and build the wings of strength to come out the other side… but this is a hard choice and most people don’t want it.

But through it we build an everlasting character and strength that we could never have known before. Through it we can become our most fulfilled and truest self. Through it we can become who we are meant to be.

If your eyes have been awakened to read this, and if you feel your soul calling it to you… it is time. If you don’t do it, it’ll chase you forever.

You must face it at some point. So why not now. It’s not meant for everybody. But it is meant for you.

It’ll take calling upon God, asking for God’s help, and a bigger faith than you’ve ever known. And you’ll reach into the depths of your soul to manifest your purpose here on Earth. Let’s take the journey together.

Drop a Like if you agree it’s time 👇



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can