Love Cannot Be Commanded
Love Cannot Be Commanded. It cannot be won by force or authority. Only through love can love be awakened, reading that from desire of the ages, written by ellen g. White. And isn’t that so true? Where we try to um you know, at the core of a lot of all our actions at some level is to be loved to be get attention to be recognized.
And sometimes we try to force our will upon others. Force are way upon others. Um thinking we’re going to receive more love in some way, but it’s just something that the mind thinks, it’s the ego thinks, and it’s almost it’s almost like the opposite is true, rather than forcing your way just being a presence, being a loving presence for someone being there to support them, rather than trying to shift or manipulate them or push them one way or another or force something, you can just be a presence for them, where you’re there just to listen just to observe.
And by allowing by doing that, allowing them to go through their own stuff, you can become a loving presence for them.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can