One area of life doesn’t define you
One area of life does not define who you are. So you may be someone who is great with your relationship or your kids or your health, but maybe not so much with business or work, right? And sometimes what we do is we focus on that one area we’re not that good at and we make that about everything about our lives, but we forget that we’re actually really successful in doing really well in other areas, so don’t just base your identity or your self worth on one area, especially the one area that’s not going right or not quite where you want to be. Instead, look at the overall picture and also focus on the things you’re doing really, really well at, focus on the things that are going really, really well.
And then you can look at the area that’s not going so well and say, okay, what would I want this to be like in a year from now, three months from now, what I want to be like, how would I need to think in order for it to be like that, what actions would I need to do, what would I need to learn in order for it to be like that? And then when you do that, you look at it much more objectively and accurately.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can