Doing vs being
Should I be creating for the world and doing lots of things and doing, doing or should I be relaxing enjoying myself enjoying life? And the answer is both. So I actually struggled with this for a while where sometimes I would get so caught up in the doing. Um even one point where I was having a hard time sleeping at night because it’s just so stressful and then I would go 180 and I would just start, you know, life is about relaxing enjoying and I would meditate and I remember I start to meditate for like three or four hours in the morning.
But at the end of the meditation, I was more stressed than I was before I began meditating. What I learned is that there are two energies essentially and they both need to be used in balancing the masculine, which is the creation to seize the day. They go do things go create and then there’s the feminine which is the relax, enjoy, um, reflect and nurture ourselves and that needs to be done in balance. So sometimes we’re creating and sometimes we’re in that reflective state.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can