When we increase our vibration, the blocks show up
If you focus a lot on the third energy of the three energies of manifestation which is the powering up energy. So like pineal gland meditations um things like that sometimes what happens is we’re starting to push our vibration so high that all the stuff that’s in our life that’s preventing us starts to show up and it shows up even faster.
It’s almost like a timeline that would have happened, let’s say over 10 years of us trying to get to a certain awareness might happen over a year because we’re increasing our vibration. Things are showing up faster and they’re not showing up to stop us or dissuade us. They’re showing up for us to recognize it and evolve from it and see how we’re creating it and of all from it.
But one of the most important things I’ve learned in order to handle this energy is to do release work. So breath work. Especially I love doing tapping. These things help release the blocks that are holding us. So as we increase our vibration, we also need to focus on releasing the things that are holding us.

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