Why the Spiritual Journey is Challenging
Why is going through the spiritual stuff so hard sometimes and why do the stuff show up in our lives that we don’t necessarily like or want? Well, the reason is most people go through life and they’re just kind of doing their normal thing. They’ve been programmed a certain way based on their belief structures growing up. And it’s something outside of them will happen, at least appears to be outside.
And it sort of wakes them up or disrupts their world, right? And they have to start thinking differently about the problem, differently about the world in order to get through that situation. So what we’re doing in the spiritual realm is we’re sort of diving headfirst into those things, were becoming aware of our thoughts, aware of what we’re creating or manifesting, aware that we are the creators of our reality. So what that does, it puts a bigger responsibility on us. So now, instead of sort of waiting going through life like normal and then waiting for other things to happen, where you see that we’re creating things and the more we’re aware, the more we see, the more we realize, oh, I’m creating the situation. So it makes it a little more challenging because we see.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can