We come here on Earth with specific desires, missions, and goals. These are potential kingdoms we can create here on Earth
Read MoreI was eating some bread at a restaurant and I had the idea to close my eyes while I chewed it so I could enjoy the sensation more
Read MoreRelationships need not be confusing, emotional rollercoasters. There is actually a science and system to relationships
Read MoreCan animals influence robots? Building upon our prior article, the same researchers then used a new version of robot called the Tychoscope2
Read MoreQuantum physics has confirmed that we interact with our world at a level of thought. We think things are happening separately from us
Read MoreIt’s been well established by science that human beings can affect machinery with their thoughts and intentions alone
Read MoreOur relationship with others can only be as good as our relationship with ourself.
Read MoreOne day I was feeling down on myself for all the “problems” I had and things going “wrong.”
Read MoreThe other day I was at a restaurant. I asked where the bathroom was and the waiter said it was outside the restaurant, down the walkway
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